This app is a companion to the Dual Tools online learning system.
Dual Tools is an online learning system for training Health and Welfare sector service providers to improve treatment outcomes for persons with co-occurring alcohol and other drug and mental health conditions.
This project is developed and managed by Bendigo Community Health Services (BCHS).
Aplikasi ini adalah pendamping untuk Dual Alat sistem pembelajaran online.
Ganda Tools adalah sistem pembelajaran online untuk pelatihan Kesehatan dan penyedia layanan sektor Kesejahteraan untuk meningkatkan hasil pengobatan bagi penyandang co-terjadi alkohol dan obat lain dan kondisi kesehatan mental.
Proyek ini dikembangkan dan dikelola oleh Bendigo Pelayanan Kesehatan Masyarakat (BCHS).
This app is a companion to the Dual Tools online learning system.
Dual Tools is an online learning system for training Health and Welfare sector service providers to improve treatment outcomes for persons with co-occurring alcohol and other drug and mental health conditions.
This project is developed and managed by Bendigo Community Health Services (BCHS).